One feature of hardwood timber supply to the MENA region is the wide collection of suppliers and traders who approach the market in a variety of different ways, with varying amounts of knowledge and professionalism! This can leave buyers confused and not knowing who they can really trust. One dynamic, U.K. based supplier, NHG Timber has been constantly involved with selling to the region since 1996, and during that time has been the source of good service and straight dealing that all their clients have come to rely on.
NHG Timber was founded in 1981 by Nick Goodwin, a name that many readers may be familiar with. The family business was strengthened by the addition of his two sons, Ben and Guy, who now run the business following their father’s retirement, along with long term associate Stuart McBride. The company specializes in tropical and temperate timber sourcing worldwide with a special focus on West Africa. Many readers will be familiar with NHG logos adorning packs of Sapele, Iroko, Dabema, Kossipo and many other timbers in various markets in the Gulf. This success has been built up not only on a deep and practical product knowledge, but also on forging long-term relationships with clients based on mutual respect and trust.