More than 2,500 visitors from all over Europe, Asia, and North and South America, crowded the SCM Group headquarters in Rimini from September 28 – 30 at the opening of a new Technology Center dedicated to the entire woodworking industry. This new space has been enlarged to 4,000 square meters and presents technological and digital innovations for every machining requirement in the furniture industry, windows and doors production, timber construction and bespoke joinery.
The Technology Center was created as part of a redevelopment plan involving an additional 11,000 square meters of the entire Rimini industrial site. Other investments, totaling an increase of 20,000 square meters, were made to increase production efficiency at the SCM sites in Monza, Piacenza and Siena, as well as at the Villa
Verucchio site of the controlled company Hiteco, which specializes in electromechanical components.
The new Technology Center presents itself as the new digital home of woodworking innovation: every detail has been designed to offer the widest range of technologies and services and provide integrated, connected, flexible, more sustainable and optimized processes at each stage of secondary wood processing.
The event was an opportunity to discover the latest solutions developed by the Group which combine the strong technological skill for the production of solutions for furniture, doors and windows, timber construction and artisan joinery with the development of software and services, to accompany the client at each stage of their
production process.